Shining a light on Michigan’s Politics

We spoke to Megan Richardson Womacks, longtime girlfriend of conservative Rep. Matt Hall,
who recently spoke to the Daily Beast about an incident that took place in 2019. The incident
happened after her traumatic experience nearly resulting in the loss of her child a few months
prior. As expected, the Daily Beast is using this very personal incident in a smear campaign
against Rep. Matt Hall. Here’s what Megan had to say:

Tell us your side of the story. What happened in 2019 and why was a police report filed?

This incident is stemming from a long period of anxiety that was created when my son got
into a terrible car accident several months prior. So the report in question is from an incident
that happened several months after my son’s accident. I’ll say this: The anxiety and trauma of
nearly losing his life has led me to be anxious about who drives me, to the point where I am
most comfortable driving myself.

Prior to the date contained in the report my 16-year-old son was in a major, near fatal, car
accident where it resulted in life-long and life-changing injuries. Making a bad situation worse, I
was on the phone with my son the moment his accident happened and heard everything. I
arrived on scene as first responders pulled my unconscious child out of the vehicle just before it
caught fire. I can without a doubt tell you this was the worst moment of my life. The
uncertainty, the fear, and the helplessness I felt that day will never truly leave me – as it never
truly does for any parent who has ever experienced that kind of event. I would not wish this
situation upon anyone.

Since that traumatic day, I have dealt with moments that bring back the vivid memories and
emotions of that accident. These emotions are not just strong, but often unexpected, and
resulted in the incident that Matt is being targeted for today. I am not ashamed of my son’s car
accident and him needing long-term continued outpatient care. As a parent, I am thankful that
my son was saved from having any memory of that day and that it is me that carries that for my
child instead. Ultimately, I am most thankful that he is still here today. There is no doubt that
driving and vehicular matters are particularly sensitive to me.

I had just recently moved and new to the area and had never been in a car with someone else
as the driver since my son’s accident and I learned that very day that I was not prepared to be a
passenger yet, due to the trauma of my son’s accident. I was not in the best mindset. I was
having a traumatic response that particular day. That’s why charges were not filed – nothing
happened aside from my trauma overtaking me. Matt was actually trying to help me, and I
couldn’t understand in that moment. Matt and I were able to work through this together and I
am thankful for Matt’s love, calm demeanor, patience and understanding.

So Reporters have been after you about this story for a few weeks now?

Yes. Only liberal publications, but either way, I am not comfortable with other people telling
MY story. That was a difficult time, and even now I still have trauma from nearly losing my
oldest son. It’s not something I want to talk about – it’s a private matter – but I don’t think the
media should get to tell MY story. It’s also happening just in time as he’s calling for shared
power in Lansing given the current split.

Matt and I have been dating for 7 years. Never in those SEVEN years have I felt uncomfortable
or threatened. It’s sad that the liberal media is trying to smear someone who cares deeply
about his family, his constituents and the state of Michigan.

What would you say to anyone who is dealing with trauma and grief?

Don’t be afraid to talk about what you’re going through with people who are trusted in your
life. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge the pain you carry, even if you weren’t the one physically
injured. It’s important to have the courage to work out these issues, and to be honest. If one
person, one Mom or Dad or Grandparent out there hears this story and takes steps to
acknowledge their pain and trauma so they can begin to heal, if one family member chooses to
be more compassionate and understanding, then I will feel good that someone has been helped
by me sharing my story.

Is there anything people should know about Matt that goes unnoticed?

A: He’s more of a family guy than you would think. He likes to spend time watching the Lions, or
his Western Michigan Broncos. He’s super competitive. And he cares. For his family. For
parents. For students. For his constituents. For Michigan’s future. He’s standing up to the
Governor and her commission seeking to raise taxes. So I know what the Daily Beast is about –
and this is a hit job. What’s worse, they’re using my personal trauma to get to him. It’s wrong.
It’s disgusting. But It’s politics.

Anything else you’d like to say?

I carry trauma from my child’s near fatal car accident. The incident with Matt that occurred and
subsequent comments in the Police report were a direct result of the trauma I carry. He was
trying to help me that day, and I couldn’t recognize he was trying to help because of my
trauma. And talking about this in a public way re-opens this wound for me and my family. I’m
not a public figure. This is a private matter and I never anticipated it would become public. But
again, if someone is moved to deal with their trauma, and if this helps others be more
compassionate and sensitive to what trauma survivors are going through, then at least
something good will come of this.

Thanks for speaking to us, Megan. We’ll keep you and your family in our prayers. It’s a shame
Michigan Democrats are attempting to spin this as a new way to attack a conservative
Representative trying to do his job – a rare thing in Lansing now a days!

It’s worth noting of course that the Daily Beast has a strong liberal lean, which is exactly how it
would land a story like this from Michigan Democrats. See here: